The "Ships By" date listed on our website is the date the product will leave the Merchology warehouse dependent upon timelines provided to us by our product vendors. The actual arrival date of an order to the customer’s location will vary depending on shipping method chosen at checkout. Flat rate ground shipping typically takes 3 to 5 days for domestic shipments within the continental US. This additional time should be added to the "Ships By" date to estimate your order arrival date.
If there is a specific date that an order is needed by, please share and directly confirm this date with your salesperson. You can also send an email to Orders@Merchology.com so that we can accommodate this need for you.
After order placement, customers will receive a logo proof in 3 to 5 business days, via email. You must approve the logo within 24 hours to meet the “Ships By” date posted on the product page!
Other factors that could delay the ship date include:
- Edits to existing logo
- Multiple logos per item
- Customer delay in responses to additional decoration charges or additional shipping charges (if they apply)
- Personalized logos (names/numbers/text)
- Order quantities over 100 embroidered items – please confirm with a Merchologist
Orders with varying "Ships By" dates will typically ship out on the latest date listed.